Trading Forex vs Futures: Key Differences IG International

forex vs futures

Much like forex, you will need to leverage the advantages offered by the top futures brokers if you want to trade futures. Futures trading doesn’t have a $25,000 minimum equity requirement like stock day trading does; you only need enough equity to cover the margin on your contracts. With us, you can trade forex on future prices, on the spot and using options. To explain the differences between forex and futures trading, let’s break down each term below. The clearinghouse provides this guarantee through a process in which gains and losses accrued on a daily basis are converted into actual cash losses and credited or debited to the account holder.

Unlike forex, wherein contracts are traded via currency brokers, currency futures are traded on exchanges that provide regulation in terms of centralized pricing and clearing. The market price for a currency futures contract will be relatively the same regardless of which broker is used. The CME Group offers 49 currency futures contracts with over $100 billion in daily liquidity, making it the largest regulated currency futures marketplace in the world.

Forex vs futures summed up

Currency futures were introduced at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (now the CME Group) in 1972 soon after the fixed exchange rate system and the gold standard were discarded. Similar to other futures products, they are traded in terms of contract months with standard maturity dates typically falling on the third Wednesday of March, June, September, and December. Currency futures—futures contracts where the underlying commodity is a currency exchange rate—provide access to the foreign exchange market in an environment that is similar to other futures contracts. Figure 1 (below) shows a price chart of one of the many currency futures contracts. A currency futures contract is a financial contract that obligates the involved parties to trade a particular amount of a currency pair at a predetermined price (the stated exchange rate) at some point in the future. These futures are traded on global derivatives exchanges, including the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Euronext.

Both futures and forex can seem abstract and therefore hard to even grapple with. But as we go through and explain each of them, you’ll find out they really aren’t so bad. Futures brokers charge commissions on each trade, which can vary depending on the broker, contract size, and market. This continuous operation is due to the global nature of currency trading, accommodating various time zones. When comparing forex versus futures, each has its unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand the differences and benefits before deciding which market to engage in. Futures trading is an agreement between two parties, a buyer and a seller, to exchange the underlying market for a fixed price at a future date.

Tax Treatment can Vary Wildly Between Different Forex Markets and Jurisdictions

Instead, each type of contract has set expiration dates throughout the year (usually four or more of them). Contracts can be traded for a specific amount of time before they expire. While there are websites that have spot forex exchange rates, such as WM Reuters, you don’t see complete data there. The data you see is a sampling of real trades, but not every trade is captured. Just like other types of assets, currencies, too, can be traded with futures contracts. Currency futures are useful in a number of scenarios, such as for hedging and for price speculation.

Market insight

Banks, companies and individuals trade around $6.6 trillion in foreign exchange transactions every day. Let’s assume that after kvb forex checking the technicals, and the volatility surrounding Greece’s future in the eurozone, a trader takes a bearish position on the EUR/USD and decides to short the euro June 2015 contract. They short the June contract at $1.086, hoping that the euro will depreciate to at least where near-term support lies prior to expiration (around $1.07260). In contrast to the CAD/USD futures, the CHF/USD contract has a contract size of 125,000 Swiss francs.

forex vs futures

Unlike options, where traders can exercise and take delivery of an asset, futures delivery is the responsibility of the seller of the contract. This is the main reason why the vast majority of futures contracts are never delivered upon but are instead offset by the seller buying back the futures contract they sold for the cash gain or loss. Futures trading, on the other hand, involves buying or selling contracts that specify the future delivery of a commodity or financial instrument at a predetermined price. These contracts are traded on exchanges and are standardized in terms of quantity, quality, and delivery date.

Currency Futures are Highly Regulated and Exchange Traded

  1. Of course, there aren’t any futures contracts for iPhones (if only!), but that’s the gist.
  2. The emerging markets typically have very low volume and liquidity, and they will need to gain traction before becoming competitive with the other established contracts.
  3. Over the course of the next five months, as the euro depreciates further against the dollar, the company’s account is credited daily by the clearinghouse.
  4. Although unemployment has increased in many countries, those who have the financial means and are stuck at home have turned to trading.
  5. Futures trading doesn’t have a $25,000 minimum equity requirement like stock day trading does; you only need enough equity to cover the margin on your contracts.

Investors and traders interested in participating in the foreign exchange market have options. Forex and currency futures offer traders unique vehicles with which to hedge or speculate. The currency futures market is similar to other futures markets and provides participants a means of entering the foreign exchange market with greater regulation and transparency. Traders and investors are drawn to markets with high liquidity since these markets provide a better opportunity for profiting. The emerging markets typically have very low volume and liquidity, and they will need to gain traction before becoming competitive with the other established contracts.

If you are just getting started trading forex, the spot market is much more accessible and is likely the ideal place to start. Only after considering the difference between forex and futures, can you make a final decision on which is right for you. Some savvy forex traders will trade both markets for different kinds of trades. On the other hand, currency futures always start with a 6, such as 6E, 6B, or 6J. Also, forex traders don’t pay exchange fees, as trades are executed over-the-counter (OTC).

That person will then be obligated to buy those USD when the contract expires – hopefully when the USD’s value has risen, but even if it has dropped. Different contracts trade with varying degrees of liquidity; for instance, the daily okcoin review volume for the EUR/USD contract might be 400,000 contracts versus 33 contracts for an emerging market like the BRL/USD (Brazilian real/U.S. dollar). There is no central authority that governs the foreign exchange market and it has no centralized location. So it should come as no surprise that the foreign exchange market (known simply as the forex market) has many features, advantages, and pitfalls. Note, however, these are generalized definitions and the differentiating characteristics of traders are not black and white.

Although unemployment has increased in many countries, those who have the financial means and are stuck at home have turned to trading. Depending on the currency pair, the difference between bid and ask (called the spread) can be small or it can be large. For major pairs, such as EUR/USD, the spread is likely to be small, while it may be large on exotic pairs. This regulation provides a high level of transparency and security for traders. During normal market conditions, all open positions will be closed immediately (during fast market conditions, your position could be closed beyond your stop loss level).

Trading forex futures, much like any speculative activity, is risky in nature. The trader must at least have a passing knowledge of technical and macroeconomic analysis and understand a contract’s unique properties and exchange-related rules. Transparency, liquidity, and lower risk of default make forex futures attractive trading vessels.

Smaller exchanges are present worldwide, including the NYSE Euronext, the Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX), and the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange (BM&F). Traders typically have accounts with brokers that direct orders to the various exchanges to buy and sell currency futures contracts. A margin account is generally used in the trading of currency futures; otherwise, a great deal of cash would be required to place a trade. With a margin account, traders borrow money from the broker in order to place trades, usually a multiplier of the actual cash value of the account. Currency futures markets have a great deal more oversight that the spot forex markets, which are at times criticized for things like non-centralized pricing and forex brokers trading against their clients. Although currency futures contracts are also traded on margin, the amount of leverage available is generally a lot lower than what’s available in the spot forex market.

Written by: noema_user